James Joyce fans – Celebrate Bloomsday and “Ulysses” at Desperate Literature

Join the guys at Desperate Literature (our favorite bookshop in Madrid) for Bloomsday – the day when Joyce fans gather to celebrate “Ulysses.” At Desperate Literature, they’ll be reading from the book, singing songs and drinking to the health of dear James himself. For old hands and Bloomsday newbies alike, there’ll be enough liquid courage to tempt even the faint of heart, and if we’re feeling very bold, we can join itinerant Irishman, Davy Lyons, in some Joyce-era folk tunes.

They’ll also be having a small presentation of artwork from Joyce illustrator, Stephen Crowe, and when Aeolus has finally left our lungs, Davy will round the evening with a concert.

How could you miss this?