Poetry Reading at Desperate Literature (with vodka!)

Head over to Desperate Literature on Friday night at 8pm for an evening of poetry with James and Marian Womack, reading from James’s newest translations of the great Vladimir Mayakovsky. Thanks go out to Carcanet Press for giving Desperate Literature the rights to print a limited edition pamphlet of the poems to accompany the evening.

Not only will there be poetry, but we’ll also be swilling Vodka like there’s no tomorrow!

Poetry Reading by James Womack at Desperate Literature

On May 22 at 7pm, Madrid-based poet James Womack will be reading from his latest collection, ‘Misprints’ from Carcanet Press, at Desperate Literature – our favorite bookstore. Located near metro Santo Domingo, Desperate Literature sells quality books in different languages and holds delightful and free events like this one, always involving a few bottles of wine and some treats. So don’t miss it!

Here’s a full post of ours on Desperate Literature if you’d like to learn the story behind it:

Desperate Literature, for book lovers in Santorini, Brooklyn and now Madrid!