Today on our lockdown diaries series, we’re hearing from Cris Vidal, who’s a freelance actress and teacher. She’s originally from Galicia (northern Spain) and has been living in Madrid for 16 years. All her work has been canceled until further notice, but she also sees this time as an opportunity for self-reflection, creative activity at home, and appreciating the people in your life.
What was your life like a week ago vs. today?
My life tends to be pretty hectic. I’m an actress, drama teacher, and English teacher. I’m also a registered freelancer and run my own business. Last week I was working in several different places that have all shut down. I was attending theatre lessons, rehearsing in a Centro Cultural because we were creating a new piece, and I was also hanging out with my friends.
Now I find myself at home, dealing with the “gestoría” (tax and finance agency) because I still don’t know how to best approach our work situation (my workmates’ and mine). I’m also in contact with my clients, thinking about how to reschedule pending lessons and gigs without really knowing when this is going to end…
What do the street looks like?
They look pretty empty, just people with dogs and loaves of bread, wearing masks and looking a bit confused.
Have you noticed any random acts of kindness or uplifting things recently?
Every time I go through a rough situation I’m marvelled at how many people have my back. From texts and calls to videoconferences and offers to help, it’s really uplifting to know you have great friends and that we’re there for each other.
How are you coping?
It’s been a bit of a rollercoaster: worrying about my work, then for my family, feeling acceptance and calm, excitement about having time for myself, then worrying again… I’ve found out that watching the news ONLY once a day helps.
Tips: make a list with every indoor activity you’ve never had time to do and go for it! Call your friends and family often. Treat yourself… I might even create a new script for future shows. Also, use this extra time to think about your lifestyle – what things should remain when all of this ends, and what things are worth changing or simply letting go of.
What’s the first thing you’ll do once the lockdown is over?
Once it’s safe I’ll take a train to Galicia to see my family because I’m missing them dearly. I’ll also hang out with my friends as much as I can. I’m an affectionate person and not being able to hug my friends or high-five my students is hard!

If you could tell the government one thing right now, what would it be?
Please give simple and clear instructions. There’s so much talk about the aid and assistance that the government is supposedly going to give us. Make that aid a reality, and for people to be able to actually access that aid without having to struggle through so much bureaucracy. Among all the sectors that are suffering in quarantine, please don’t forget about artists.
See all Madrid Lockdown Diaries here
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